Waka waka,Waka waka,Waka waka,Waka waka,You're a good soldier.Choosing your battles.Pick yourself up and dust yourself off and back in the saddle.You're on the front line,Everyone's watching.
You know it's serious we're getting closer this isn't over,The pressure is on,You feel it,But you've got it all,Believe it.When you fall get up oh oh,And if you fall get up eh eh,Tsamina mina zangalewa.'Cause this is Africa.Tsamina mina eh eh.
Waka waka eh eh,Tsamina mina zangalewa,This time for Africa.Listen to your God,This is our motto,Your time to shine don't wait in line y vamos por todo.People are raising.
Their expectations,Go on and feed them this is your moment no hesitations.Today's your day.I feel it,You paved the way,Believe it.If you get down get up oh oh,When you get down get up eh eh,Tsamina mina zangalewa.This time for Africa.
Tsamina mina eh eh,Waka waka eh eh,Tsamina mina zangalewa.Anawa a a,Tsamina mina eh eh,Waka waka eh eh,Tsamina mina zangalewa.This time for Africa,Tsamina mina,Tsamina mina zangalewa.This time for Africa.
Tsamina mina eh eh,Waka waka eh eh,Tsamina mina zangalewa.Anawa a a,Tsamina mina eh eh,Waka waka eh eh,Tsamina mina zangalewa.This time for Africa,Django eh eh,Django eh eh,Tsamina mina zangalewa.
Anawa a a,Django eh eh,Django eh eh,Tsamina mina zangalewa.Anawa a a,This time for Africa.This time for Africa.We're all Africa.We're all Africa.
直接任意球 单臂侧平举,明确批示踢球方向。 直接任意球
间接任意球 单臂上举,掌心向前。此手势应持续到球踢出后,并被场上其他队员触及或成死球时为止。间接任意球
球门球 单臂向前斜下举,指向执行球门球的球门区。
角球 单臂斜上举,指向执行角球的角球区。